Monday, June 27, 2011

It's almost time!!!!

We have the final approval papers completed and we are good to close at 3 pm!! I am so excited! Finally! but man what a process. Hope to have before pictures up soon. We have to start the renovations soon and this weekend is a long one, good thing!!!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Closing was a no go!

The closing date came and went and we yet to have a house. :-(  So today we find that they need proof of Dean's legal name. Guess its a little tough when there is two people with the same name and one has II at the end. I wonder why they never caught that prior to today? Luckily we had the documents to send today. As of about 4:30 today we are hoping to close on Monday but papers won't be ready until that morning. Nothing like the last minute but hey if it gets done on Monday it will be worth it. So here's to waiting the weekend with anticipation. Maybe I will go shopping to take keep my mind busy! Wish us luck!

Monday, June 20, 2011

36 Hours and Counting down

But.....there may be a problem (of course!). Because of the type of loan we have, the contractors we need to do some work must be 'validated'- whatever that means! As of Friday, our two contractors had not been validated and the loan has not made it through final underwriting. 'They' are way behind and were working on validating contractors for purchaser closing on Friday! Holy Cow, nothing like having to wait until the last minute. Hopefully this will not happen to us. Good news is: found out that if we do have to wait a day or two (again) 'they' will ask for a continuance where we will not be charged the $50 per day everyday we don't close on Wednesday. Don't you wonder who 'they' are???? I guess all we can do is wait for the all clear and go sign our lives away! Stay tuned! 

Thursday, June 16, 2011

6 days and counting

So I guess today there was some drama between what the underwriters want and the lady that inspected our septic tank. The underwriters say the septic tank report just says it is working order and they need to say it PASSES inspection. The Crap Inspector Lady is contesting and says she completed the forms out correctly. Good thing the underwriter and Crap Inspector Lady hashed it out (dont think we have enough mowers for Dean to deal with being in the middle of that conversation.). Hope everything got settled.

So I went outside last Sunday or Monday and my father-in-law was up talking with Dean. Dean is on the Uniloader doing some work and leveling an area of ground. Come to find out his dad wants to put a fence up. There were panels of fence up about four months ago before Dean decided they needed to be moved but they never got to their new home. Dean and I were talking later and I asked what kind of fence his dad was putting up and Dean said a regular fence....I thought to myself and then made the mistakeof saying, 'he's putting up a chain link fence?" I thought that would be pretty expensive. Dean looked at me and shook his head - I knew I was wrong then. I asked if he was going to put those panels back up and again got that look that says all too well...'you city-girl'! He growled, no he's putting up a regular barbed wire fence!  OOOHHHH, who would have thought a 'regular' fence meant barbed wire???? You don't see those too often in neighborhoods. He then said, 'look around at the other fences that are here...what do they look like??? oh-ok they are all barbed wire but that is NOT what was there about four months ago! and why couldn't he just say that his dad is putting up a barbed wire fence??? Whew - communication skills between us are still in adjustment status!! Hopefully they will get better! Sounds like we are still in line for next Wednesday!!! Getting excited.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

7 Days To Go

Ok! I guess the ole' saying 'all good things come to an end' isn't a lie. Here we are seven days from closing and my how many more forms do they 'all of a sudden' need. Did they not know these were needed a couple of weeks ago???? And one of the forms I am sure we have had completed a couple of times. It must be in that pile of nowhere land people get. So I guess we keep completing and sending and sending and sending. Hopefully one copy of the form will get to whomever needs it. I would think the laws of average would be on our side. If we sent the form they STILL need everyday, do you think one of those copies might get to the person who needs it by next Wednesday? One out of seven I think would be pretty good odds. The thing is if we don't close on Wednesday, there is a $50 charge for everyday past that we go. So I hope they get their stuff together soon so we can keep sending things back and don't have to pay additional money..oh and btw those commercials you keep hearing on the radio about how you can get a home for less than you pay for rent and for around 300 or 400 dollars a month WRONG! and the no downpayment thing GONE! Good thing this is such a great deal!

I believe we have been through a brief calming before the storm. I can expect within the next 7 days we will be going through some rough waters trying to get everything they want turned in. Just hope the mowers can stand the beating for a couple more days! That's called stress relief to a certain male in the family! The mower actually goes on the back of the tractor. It looks like the mower has lost a few battles but the ever so clever male can fix it! Yes, he CAN! (and then I hope he has some time to mow.  It's looking like live in the jungle and not the country.)

I am told this can go on a 3 point hitch system! See, I am learning more and more. Now all I need to know is what is a 3 point hitch system. Oh and don't worry about those wires you see in the background. I am told "WE ARE OK, I do work for the electric company, after all" That made me feel SO much better! And even more impressed with the way he organizes it all.

Through the next few days I am sure there will be some rough ones but I am also sure when its finally said and done and it ours, we will be ready to go and sweat those hot summer days to make it our home. Hopefully the weather will be nice to us when we start and not get above say...95 degrees.

Monday, June 13, 2011

9 days to go --

Tonight I thought we were going to have to recreate a scene of City Slickers! Coming home two small cows (ok I know I'm a 'city girl' but they were small cows not calves) were walking down the middle of the street. When Dean honked the horn, they started running but not the way they were supposed to go. They started running down the street and I thought they were headed for our house. One cow turned and was trying to get back through the barbed wire fence but couldnt it turned again and kept running. Finally, he or she found a piece of the fence s/he could ram through.The second cow kept walking down the road. Luckily a truck was coming up the other way and scared it through the fence. I thought maybe we were going to have to corral them with the truck. But all ended well and two small cows found their way back home.

Speaking of homes, day nine went by without any requests from the mortgage company. I guess that is good news. Here are two pictures of the house!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

10 days and counting

So we found each other on Facebook and about a year later I moved in with him. Wow what a change of pace. No longer could I hear customers ordering late night food at the local Wendy's (nice nights I would open my bedroom windows to get the breeze and got people ordering food!).  No more hearing the sirens going down Noland Rd. Instead I found myself wondering what the howling noise was...oh, he says just a pack of coyotes so keep Molly (our dog) in for the night! Also discovered the different color of cows are different breeds. We have several Black Angus cattle and one donkey across the street. Never knew donkeys help protect the herd. Who would have thought cows have protective 'asses'! And sometimes when the cows are not very happy they make a horrible kind of howling noise.

One time I had to admit to him that I was ultimately a 'city girl'. We drove into the pasture and my job was to shut the gates. They come together in the middle and have a lock. I got the right gate and pulled it to and then went to get the left gate and by the time I had pulled the left gate to, the right gate swung back open. I looked at him sitting in the truck just laughing! Molly was in the back of the truck watching and then finally laid down! I had disappointed both! It was pretty funny. I finally got the gate closed and on we went.

I also have discovered real quick my 'summer city' shoe collection: flip flops and sandals really don't fit in the country with gravel and dirt roads. Tennis shoes and boots work best but I cant give up my flip flops. Btw this is only a small portion...didn't want to get carried away!

We finally tied the knot and are on a new journey...not the newly wedded bliss journey but the new home owner journey. Yeah!, didn't take him long to find the 'perfect' place - just 3 days after the wedding and here I though I was going to have some time to take to breather! We had been looking but every house we looked at all had one problem...neighbors! Gosh who would have thought the worst thing about a house would be neighbors!

So the house we have found and in the middle to purchase sits on almost 8 acres on the other side of town. No close neighbors!

We have been in this process now for a couple of months and what a process it is. Never knew someone would want my signature so many times. We have 10 days and counting until we are supposed to close. We will be renovating some of the house after we close, if we make it through the process. During this process I have encountered interesting things.

  • when toliets flush, they go through a septic tank and out to latteral lines to who knows where (at my apartment, everything wend down the drain and I never gave it a second thought. now we have to put chemicals down the toliet to help the system stay clean.
  • the more paper work you send in - they always want more 
  • and when someone is angry about losing a home, they try to burn it down.

This is a foreclosure and the sherrif was serving the last foreclosure notice and found the fireplace on fire. The fire department came and saved the day!

Once we close all the work begins... luckily we have the hot summer months ahead to complete drywalling, painting, mudding, cleaning and moving. Although we do have an advantage of not having to put a time period on moving from where we are currently living.  I will have pictures of before and after while we are renovating this 'perfect' place!