So I guess today there was some drama between what the underwriters want and the lady that inspected our septic tank. The underwriters say the septic tank report just says it is working order and they need to say it PASSES inspection. The Crap Inspector Lady is contesting and says she completed the forms out correctly. Good thing the underwriter and Crap Inspector Lady hashed it out (dont think we have enough mowers for Dean to deal with being in the middle of that conversation.). Hope everything got settled.
So I went outside last Sunday or Monday and my father-in-law was up talking with Dean. Dean is on the Uniloader doing some work and leveling an area of ground. Come to find out his dad wants to put a fence up. There were panels of fence up about four months ago before Dean decided they needed to be moved but they never got to their new home. Dean and I were talking later and I asked what kind of fence his dad was putting up and Dean said a regular fence....I thought to myself and then made the mistakeof saying, 'he's putting up a chain link fence?" I thought that would be pretty expensive. Dean looked at me and shook his head - I knew I was wrong then. I asked if he was going to put those panels back up and again got that look that says all too well...'you city-girl'! He growled, no he's putting up a regular barbed wire fence! OOOHHHH, who would have thought a 'regular' fence meant barbed wire???? You don't see those too often in neighborhoods. He then said, 'look around at the other fences that are here...what do they look like??? oh-ok they are all barbed wire but that is NOT what was there about four months ago! and why couldn't he just say that his dad is putting up a barbed wire fence??? Whew - communication skills between us are still in adjustment status!! Hopefully they will get better! Sounds like we are still in line for next Wednesday!!! Getting excited.
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