One time I had to admit to him that I was ultimately a 'city girl'. We drove into the pasture and my job was to shut the gates. They come together in the middle and have a lock. I got the right gate and pulled it to and then went to get the left gate and by the time I had pulled the left gate to, the right gate swung back open. I looked at him sitting in the truck just laughing! Molly was in the back of the truck watching and then finally laid down! I had disappointed both! It was pretty funny. I finally got the gate closed and on we went.
I also have discovered real quick my 'summer city' shoe collection: flip flops and sandals really don't fit in the country with gravel and dirt roads. Tennis shoes and boots work best but I cant give up my flip flops. Btw this is only a small portion...didn't want to get carried away!
We finally tied the knot and are on a new journey...not the newly wedded bliss journey but the new home owner journey. Yeah!, didn't take him long to find the 'perfect' place - just 3 days after the wedding and here I though I was going to have some time to take to breather! We had been looking but every house we looked at all had one problem...neighbors! Gosh who would have thought the worst thing about a house would be neighbors!
So the house we have found and in the middle to purchase sits on almost 8 acres on the other side of town. No close neighbors!
We have been in this process now for a couple of months and what a process it is. Never knew someone would want my signature so many times. We have 10 days and counting until we are supposed to close. We will be renovating some of the house after we close, if we make it through the process. During this process I have encountered interesting things.
- when toliets flush, they go through a septic tank and out to latteral lines to who knows where (at my apartment, everything wend down the drain and I never gave it a second thought. now we have to put chemicals down the toliet to help the system stay clean.
- the more paper work you send in - they always want more
- and when someone is angry about losing a home, they try to burn it down.
This is a foreclosure and the sherrif was serving the last foreclosure notice and found the fireplace on fire. The fire department came and saved the day!
Once we close all the work begins... luckily we have the hot summer months ahead to complete drywalling, painting, mudding, cleaning and moving. Although we do have an advantage of not having to put a time period on moving from where we are currently living. I will have pictures of before and after while we are renovating this 'perfect' place!
YEAH! You updated and wrote a story. Good luck with closing. 10 days! It seems to have flown by!